Leveraging Our Efforts to Expand Apprenticeships
States and National Organizations
Most successful apprenticeship programs are built on a foundation of strong partnerships, which is why we partner with entities that share our passion for scaling registered apprenticeships.
Our Apprenticeship Expansion Partners include state and local workforce or apprenticeship agencies and non-profit organizations or associations with workforce interests. They have an opportunity to provide AIR-developed technical assistance on expanding existing or designing and registering new apprenticeship programs to the agencies or companies that will sponsor apprenticeship programs within their community.
Although this initiative is focused on apprenticeship in tech roles, through our partnership with Apprenticeship Idaho we have proven that AIR’s wealth of tools and resources can help organizations in any industry explore, consider, create, and sustain apprenticeship programs in a vast number of occupations, including healthcare, manufacturing, public sector and more.
AIR will co-brand all materials with our Apprenticeship Expansion Partner. Our combined apprenticeship, community, and industry know-how brings the best to your existing and potential apprenticeship program sponsors. AIR and our Apprenticeship Expansion Partners will collectively communicate the value and proven track record of apprenticeship and take participants through the process of registering or expanding their programs.
Each Apprenticeship Expansion Partner has different expertise, resources, and needs, and AIR will customize partnerships to meet each organization’s needs and best leverage what they already have to offer.
Expansion partners
Organizations with an interest in a healthy workforce and a broad membership base may be eligible to take part in a unique partnership opportunity with Apprenticeships for Tech to leverage our knowledge and experience to help your member organizations grow the use of apprenticeship in any sector. Talk to one of our experts to find out if this opportunity is right for you.