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Source & Grow Talent with Apprenticeships

About Us 

Through the Apprenticeships for Tech Network, AIR helps employers source and grow tech talent; supports intermediaries in designing, building, and running programs for multiple employers; connects apprentices with opportunities; and connects community partners and training providers with programs.


In 2022 tech employment grew by


nationally, adding an estimated 286,400 workers.

More than 9 million people work in tech-related jobs, including for tech and non-tech companies. Most employers are hiring for new positions in tech, but are encountering a challenge in finding candidates with the skills they need.

  • Apprenticeships provide a path for both career success and academic achievement.
  • Employers across industries are using the apprenticeship model to address skills gaps and increase employee retainment.



Employee Retention

two people icon with checkmark over their head

Employers report that they retain over 90% of apprentice graduates and that hosting apprentices increases employee morale. The appeal for apprentices is that they earn a wage and gain education while taking on little to no student debt.

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce and Case Western Reserve University

Source & Grow Talent Presence